Cushion - Sadu White Pattern - Rectangular

Cushion - Sadu White Pattern - Rectangular

Cushion - Sadu Red Pattern (Rectangular)

Cushion - Sadu Red Pattern (Rectangular)

Cushion - Sadu Pattern -Red

Cushion - Sadu Pattern -Red

Cushion - Sadu White Pattern - Rectangular

QR 270.00
Cushion - Sadu White Pattern (Rectangular)
Size 53 x 83 cm. Colour white with Sadu pattern. In Sadu, woven geometric and figurative patterns reflect the traditional tribal lifestyle and the desert environment. These patterns are reflected in the design of this set of 6 ghawa cups. The traditional Bedouin weaving pattern, Al Sadu, has been a treasured craft in Qatar and a matter of pride especially amongst the local women, who since ancient times, hand weaved the material world that surrounds the family. Be it tents, mats, camel harness or carry portrayed the peoples’ rich cultural heritage and instinctive expression of natural beauty.