- Do I need an account to place an Order?
Yes, you will need an account to place an order. Please visit our sign in page and register online.
- How can I find a particular product?
You can use the "Search" button if you know the product name or category. Otherwise, you can use the menus to help navigate through to the type of product you require.
If you have any particular questions regarding finding a specific product or requesting when something will be restocked, please contact our customer services team via email on customerservice@inq-online.com.
- Who do I contact if I have a problem with my order?
We stand behind our products and our customer service commitment. Therefore, if you have any questions regarding your order or require assistance, please contact our customer services team via email on customerservice@inq-online.com.
- What is a pre-order product?
Pre-order products are products that can be reserved prior to their release date. A reservation is placed by completely paying for the pre-order product at the time of checkout. Pre-order products are not shipped until they are released by In-Q. Therefore, there will be more time between payment and shipment than for regular products. Please note that pre-order products have “[Pre-order]” in their title.
- When will I receive my pre-ordered product?
You will receive your product on or near the indicated release date. International pre-orders subject to DHL Express shipping.
- Do I have to pay for my pre-order product?
Yes. We require full payment for pre-orders.
- Are pre-orders received before in-store availability?
Yes. The pre-orders are shipped as a priority before in-store release.
- Do I need to sign for my parcel when it is delivered?
Yes, your order will require a signature; however, if you are not available the courier will leave a card with instructions as to how to make alternative arrangements. The courier will make 3 attempts at delivering your parcel and may attempt to ring you to arrange a suitable time, so please include a contact phone number where you can be reached in order to receive your parcel. After the third unsuccessful attempt, the courier will return the package and we will refund your purchase excluding the delivery charge.
- What if I receive an incorrect item?
Please contact us at customerservice@inq-online.com stating your order reference number, item received and details of what you should have received and whether you require a refund or replacement. We will then advise on how to proceed with the return.
- When should I expect to receive my refund?
We aim to process returns as soon as the item is returned to the warehouse and you will receive an email confirmation once your refund has been processed. Your refund will normally register on your bank card within 30 working days but some card providers can take a bit longer to process the funds back on to your card.
If your card has expired or has been lost or stolen, please log in to My Account to update your new card details and contact customerservice@inq-online.com so that they are aware and can ensure that your refund gets processed correctly.
- What if I receive an incorrect item?
Please contact us at customerservice@inq-online.com stating your order reference number, item received and details of what you should have received and whether you require a refund or replacement. We will then advise you on how to proceed with the return
- How do I update my personal details?
You can change any of your personal details through the My Account area. Enter your username and password when prompted and you will be presented with a 'my details' section - you will be able to alter all details from there.
- How secure is your website?
We use the latest security technology to protect your personal information. When you enter your personal details in the checkout pages you are in a secure website (with SSL certificate). Most browsers display a small padlock symbol on your browser to reassure you that it is secure. Some operating systems will also display a message stating that you are entering into a secure website. If at any time you leave the secure area of the site, your operating system may remind you that you are leaving a secure part of the site. You will be asked if you want to cancel this reminder for future occasions.
- Which payment methods do you accept online?
We accept credit/debit cards approved for online payments.
Accepted credit cards:
We use a secure encrypted connection when dealing with your payment details to ensure it is safe to use your card over the internet. All payments are taken from the card on confirming your order of your goods.