Directory Guide to Birds in Qatar Vol 2

Directory Guide to Birds in Qatar Vol 2

 Directory Guide to Birds in Qatar Vol 1

Directory Guide to Birds in Qatar Vol 1

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Directory Guide to Birds in Qatar Vol 2

QR 80.00
Volume two of the Directory Guide to Birds in Qatar focuses on all the birds frequently found in Qatar, with the exception of birds of prey, which are covered in volume one. In Arabic, each entry features a colour photograph of the animal, along with their English and scientific names. The handy guide includes details such as body dimensions, wingspan, migratory patterns and notes on their unique adaptions to desert conditions as well as observations on the impact of the domestic oil industry on bird life. All in all, a great companion for all bird enthusiasts in Qatar. Author: Tawfeeq Yousof Al-Gaisi Publishing year: 2003 Publishers: Qatar Museums and National Council for Culture, Arts and Heritage Format: Hardback Language: Arabic Weight: 1.7 kg