Hello, Robot. Design between Human and Machine

Hello, Robot. Design between Human and Machine

The Vitra Schaudepot: Architecture, Ideas, Objects

The Vitra Schaudepot: Architecture, Ideas, Objects

Atlas of Furniture Design

Atlas of Furniture Design

Hello, Robot. Design between Human and Machine

QR 236.00
The book investigates how robotics has become an integral part of our everyday lives, as these intelligent machines emerge from their hidey-holes in washing machines, cars, and ATMs, we are getting used to encountering them almost everywhere. The book also shows that design in its traditional function as a mediator is indispensable for robots to participate in our day-to-day activities. Hello, Robot broadens the scope of debate to include the ethical and political questions arising from technological advances in robotics today and confronts us with the contradictions that often underpin the answers to these questions. Vitra Design Museum, 2017 This book is included in the "Masterpieces of Furniture Design" Exhibition pop-up store at M7 (Sept 2023). ISBN: 978-3-945852-49-1 Size: 19cm x 25cm Weight: 1.1kg Format: Softcover, embossed No. of pages: 336 pages, ca. 260 images