PIERRE DE COUBERTIN Selected Writings: Volume 1 - Revelation - Arabic

PIERRE DE COUBERTIN Selected Writings: Volume 1 - Revelation - Arabic

Museum of Islamic Art

Museum of Islamic Art "Reciprocal Birds" Notebook

PIERRE DE COUBERTIN Selected Writings: Volume 1 - Revelation - Arabic

QR 360.00

Qatar Museums is proud to publish the first translation into Arabic of the writings of the father of the modern Olympic games, Pierre de Coubertin.
Throughout his career as co-founder of the International Olympic Committee and its second president, Coubertin produced articles that total more than 500,000 words. His writings were compiled into a three-volume publication titled: Pierre De Coubertin, Textes Choises. 
The launch of the first Arabic volume of this publication coincides with the Summer Olympics 2024 in Paris. The book is a testament to the profound connection Qatar has to Coubertin’s ideal of making the world a better place through sport and represents an important addition to the Olympic Library.

Publisher: Qatar Museums
Year: 2024
ISBN: 9789927108891
Pages: 606
Language: Arabic