Ottomans Notebook - View of Constantinople

Ottomans Notebook - View of Constantinople

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Ottomans Notebook - Istanbul

Ottomans Notebook - View of Constantinople

QR 1.00
Ottoman scene as exhibited during the "Journey into the world of the Ottomans" Exhibition occurred in Doha in 2010. Notebook with soft cover size A5, with lines.
Constantinople, or known today as Istanbul, is one of the oldest cities in the world, and hold the key to some of the most culturally advanced civilizations of today – Arabia. This A5 lined notebook features the View of Constantinople, as exhibited in the "Journey into the world of the Ottomans" Exhibition held in Qatar in 2010. The exhibition featured artists from the 16th century including stalwarts like Bernardino Campi, Jacopo Ligozzi, Nicolas Rycks, Jean-Baptiste Vanmour. The artworks illustrate the history of the orientalism development which is thought to have influenced the Ottoman world in Europe.